Search For casual In Quotes 33

I thought I was going to be killed. The casualties were so heavy it was just a given. I learned to take each day each mission as it came. That's an attitude I've carried into my professional life. I take each case each job as it comes.

I think I meant that given the circumstances of my childhood I had the illusion that it's easier to be alone. To have your relationships be casual and also to pose as a solitary person because it was more romantic. You know I was raised on the idea of the ramblin' man and the loner.

I like to be alone so I can write. But focus can hurt you. I don't want to be some stress casualty in early middle age.

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In that I found being able to talk to my family about my feelings praying for strength and realizing that our lives have a deep purpose and the journey of our lives is to find out what that is and express it was the only way I could have gotten through it.