Search For bible In Quotes 103

If poetry should address itself to the same needs and aspirations the same hopes and fears to which the Bible addresses itself it might rival it in distribution.

The Bible should be taught but emphatically not as reality. It is fiction myth poetry anything but reality. As such it needs to be taught because it underlies so much of our literature and our culture.

It was stumbling on to really the bible of the blues you know and a very powerful drug to be introduced to us and I absorbed it totally and it changed my complete outlook on music.

Some quality performances and movies have a chance to be rewarded but it's not like it's a bible.

The Bible says not to worry so I don't. I just get up in the morning and ask God for help to get through the day. If tomorrow shows up then I'll take the same shot tomorrow.

For me the greatest revenge of all is having a happy adulthood waking up in my gorgeous turquoise bedroom in the morning beside a person who really inspires me. That's the best revenge a girl-loving girl from the Bible belt could possibly have. And importantly it's healthy.

When I turned 18 my mom my nana and I all went and had tattoos of our favorite Bible verses put on the inside of our wrists. Mine is 1st Timothy 4:12.

I stand fearlessly for small dogs the American Flag motherhood and the Bible. That's why people love me.

All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice crime ambition injustice oppression slavery and war proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.

Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.