Full participation in government and society has been a basic right of the country symbolizing the full citizenship and equal protection of all.
It seems to me that we're in danger of losing sight of certain basic civic values in society by allowing the growth of a whole generation of people who really have no sense of attachment to society.
Manners are the basic building blocks of civil society.
A generous basic state pension is the least a civilized society should offer those who have worked hard and saved through their whole lives.
At its most basic the democratic contract is a simple one: the right to vote comes with a responsibility to society through tax payments and citizenship.
Philanthropy is involved with basic innovations that transform society not simply maintaining the status quo or filling basic social needs that were formerly the province of the public sector.
Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today.
Human rights commissions as they are evolving are an attack on our fundamental freedoms and the basic existence of a democratic society... It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff.
The basic thing nobody asks is why do people take drugs of any sort? Why do we have these accessories to normal living to live? I mean is there something wrong with society that's making us so pressurized that we cannot live without guarding ourselves against it?
In this time of budget cuts we cannot forget that basic science is a building block for scientific innovation and economic growth in the information age.