Search For bands In Quotes 76

So when bands work with me and it's 10 o'clock usually you'd have to be getting out of the studio we could go on until 2 in the morning cause it's my place!

Money changes all the iron rules into rubber bands.

I gave guitar lessons. I tried to join bands. My mom always said it was obvious that nothing was going to stop me.

Marriage feels like an industry with catering and really expensive bands.

I suffered I really suffered with all three of my husbands. And I tried damn hard with all three starting each marriage certain that it was going to last until the end of my life. Yet none of them lasted more than a year or two.

A woman asking 'Am I good? Am I satisfied?' is extremely selfish. The less women fuss about themselves the less they talk to other women the more they try to please their husbands the happier the marriage is going to be.

The only good husbands stay bachelors: They're too considerate to get married.

Faithful women are all alike they think only of their fidelity never of their husbands.

The majority of husbands remind me of an orangutan trying to play the violin.

Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.

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We have to challenge the whole idea that it's acceptable for a society like Britain to have such a significant number of people who do not work one day of the week and don't have any possibility of improving the quality of their lives.