Search For babies In Quotes 34

I remember my wife and I used to get on plane and see everybody else with their babies. They'd be putting strollers and car seats up above and we'd think: Oh please Lord don't make us go through that.

What good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is usually best after all.

The year I was born 1956 was the peak year for babies being born and there are more people essentially our age than anybody else. We could crush these new generations if we decided too.

Everyone knows that by far the happiest and universally enjoyable age of man is the first. What is there about babies which makes us hug and kiss and fondle them so that even an enemy would give them help at that age?

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I photographed rocks and trees and tide pools and nudes and all that stuff for years and years. Until 20 years ago when I found that I could do it in the studio and never have to travel.