Search For awesome In Quotes 51

We got to do a few things with President Clinton. To be invited to Washington again to play with Ashanti and all those other cool people there in front of President Bush and the rest of the world feels awesome. I'm really looking forward to going.

I think it's really cool but Jimmy Eat World and Gin Blossoms did it better than anyone. People don't realize just how awesome the Arizona history is especially for alternative music. Growing up that's all I ever wanted to be was those two bands.

Vince Vaughn is a genuine person awesome guy. He'll come to a lot of my shows. It's not that often that you can meet someone as cool as Vince.

I really felt like I finally made it. Having your first fake pregnancy rumor. It was really awesome. I feel like it's part of what happens in this business but that's a real one. That's a cool one to get.

The funny thing is the girls that I'm always up against for roles are pretty nice and cool like Emma Watson. She's awesome.

Kids today are smarter than we ever were. And they've got computers too which is awesome. They're scary to me.

I definitely love that all these car brands are coming out with hybrid forms of every car that they have. It's very awesome because I think it does make a difference and it doesn't hurt that you save a lot of money on gas.

I think the Smart Car is awesome. The only problem is I've been on the freeway and felt like I was going to be blown away like a Tim Hortons coffee cup so I may have to upgrade to a Mini Cooper - something a little stronger.

I love making people laugh and feel good and that's awesome and special for me to be able to do that but there really is nothing like kicking ass whether it's on a major scale or whether it's in more of a dramatic fashion. Being physical and taking care of business the old-fashioned way is something that I love doing.

The awesomeness of God is that even in the works of the Beach Boys Beatles etc. the beauty of the music is a mere reflection of what God does everyday. He creates music of all kinds and moods.