Search For atmosphere In Quotes 36

The atmosphere seems to change once the sun goes down and the race fans get to watch a good show.

It's just that fun atmosphere working on the car being with the guys. This is exactly what I needed.

All I try to do is create an atmosphere that seems comfortable enough that it removes tension and everyone feels free. If they feel free then behaviour happens small moments happen and that's what ultimately works the best for me.

Every baseball crowd like every theatre audience has its own distinctive attitude and atmosphere.

Architecture is a art when one consciously or unconsciously creates aesthetic emotion in the atmosphere and when this environment produces well being.

I started in the restaurant business at the age of 19 as a waitress. I loved the atmosphere and the camaraderie of the restaurant business. I loved not having to go to an office. I loved making people happy.

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I don't think it's too hippie to want to clean up the planet so you don't wind up dying of some kind of cancer when you're 45 years old. It enrages me that these big cancer-research organizations can't be bothered to man the front lines of environmental protest.