Search For appreciate In Quotes 132

There is so much that is positive wonderful even about state schools. At a state school your kids will learn to live alongside and appreciate other kids from many diverse and different cultures.

I never appreciated 'positive heroes' in literature. They are almost always cliches copies of copies until the model is exhausted. I prefer perplexity doubt uncertainty not just because it provides a more 'productive' literary raw material but because that is the way we humans really are.

You should also appreciate the goodness around you and surround yourself with positive people.

George Clooney's 'Ides of March' could be the most under-appreciated movie of the year. In 20 years they're gonna go back and say 'Oh that was American politics in that time period.' I follow politics I love it and that movie is so authentic.

No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does.

We criticize mothers for closeness. We criticize fathers for distance. How many of us have expected less from our fathers and appreciated what they gave us more? How many of us always let them off the hook?

To bare our souls is all we ask to give all we have to life and the beings surrounding us. Here the nature spirits are intense and we appreciate them make offerings to them - these nature spirits who call us here - sealing our fate with each other celebrating our love.

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.

Knowing trees I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass I can appreciate persistence.

Let us learn to appreciate there will be times when the trees will be bare and look forward to the time when we may pick the fruit.