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One of the biggest challenges to medicine is the incorporation of information technology in our practices.

As the father of six children I know very well the challenges technology poses to our families.

If we invest in researching and developing energy technology we'll do some real good in the long run rather than just making ourselves feel good today. But climate change is not the only challenge of the 21st century and for many other global problems we have low-cost durable solutions.

Champagne if you are seeking the truth is better than a lie detector. It encourages a man to be expansive even reckless while lie detectors are only a challenge to tell lies successfully.

I had a great drama teacher and he sort of made out drama school as this incredibly difficult thing to get into: 6 000 people apply every year and some of the schools only have 12 places. It's a phenomenally difficult thing to get into. And that excited me - I wanted that challenge.

I want the municipality to be a helping hand to the man with a desire of sympathy to help the fallen when it is not in their power to help themselves.

Women face enough pressures and challenges in a workplace that is still depressingly biased against a female's success. Add to that the fact that the very thing many women I know find most rewarding (having kids) is now frowned upon.

I think everybody faces challenges in their lives. I've definitely been through it - not to the extreme that Astrid did. I try to keep some kind of identity and strength.

I still believe in the possibility of the United States with all its will and all its strength and I don't just mean military persevering against any challenge. I still believe in that.

Exercise helps me with stress. It changes your brain chemistry. I turn to Ashtanga yoga when I feel the need to relax. I love it but it's not right for everybody. It's taught to you a little bit at a time according to your body type and your strength. That keeps things challenging.