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I want to wage war against illiteracy poverty unemployment unfair competition communitarianism delinquency.

The fight this war this fight against the remnants of terrorism will go on for some time.

I think there should be holy war against yoga classes.

Everything everything in war is barbaric... But the worst barbarity of war is that it forces men collectively to commit acts against which individually they would revolt with their whole being.

I am one who believes that we are in fact engaged in a worldwide war against terrorism. We must have the serenity to accept the fact that war is not going to go away if we ignore it.

I think the record speaks for itself. These are two individuals who have been for the war when the headlines were good and against it when their poll ratings were bad.

Against the beautiful and the clever and the successful one can wage a pitiless war but not against the unattractive: then the millstone weighs on the breast.

I have absolutely no regret about my vote against this war. The same questions remain. The cost in human lives the cost to our budget probably 100 billion. We could have probably brought down that statue for a lot less.

I believe that political correctness can be a form of linguistic fascism and it sends shivers down the spine of my generation who went to war against fascism.

I have never solicited nor received money from Iraq for our campaign against war and sanctions. I have never seen a barrel of oil never owned one never bought one never sold one.

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I see a bright future for the biotechnology industry when it follows the path of the computer industry the path that von Neumann failed to foresee becoming small and domesticated rather than big and centralized.