Search For adjust In Quotes 59

In this outward and physical ceremony we attest once again to the inner and spiritual strength of our Nation. As my high school teacher Miss Julia Coleman used to say: 'We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles.'

If we are to garner sustained U.S. domestic support for future trade agreements we have to make sure those Americans who have suffered as a consequence of past agreements have an effective social safety net adjustment assistance opportunities for retraining and new job creation that enables all Americans to thrive.

There is nothing funny about a well-adjusted intelligent person making the right choices.

Freedom is an internal achievement rather than an external adjustment.

Taste as you go. When you taste the food throughout the cooking process you can make adjustments as you go.

Our children are obese either have or being threatened by diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol and not socially adjusting properly to others because of a lack of fitness.

Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result but the cause of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.

I am the most well-adjusted human being I know. I started out this investigation as a very happy man with a great career. I've got the life people dream about: I am rich I am famous I've got a fabulous marriage to an absolutely spell-bindingly brilliant woman.

It has now been over 7 years since Congress last raised the minimum wage to its current level of $5.15 per hour. Since that last increase Congress's failure to adjust the wage for inflation has reduced the purchasing power of the minimum wage to record low levels.

To harmonize the One with the Many this is indeed a difficult adjustment perhaps the most difficult of all and so important withal that nations have perished from their failure to achieve it.

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Ron Howard is as good a person as you could want to work with on film. He never lost his cool. He's the most easygoing lovely man but he's got this enormous intelligence and a wonderful humanity.