Search For acted In Quotes 93

I just grew up watching a lot of movies. I'm attracted to this genre and that genre this type of story and that type of story. As I watch movies I make some version of it in my head that isn't quite what I'm seeing - taking the things I like and mixing them with stuff I've never seen before.

To be intimate with a married man when my own father cheated on my mother is not something I could forgive. I could not look at myself in the morning if I did that. I wouldn't be attracted to a man who would cheat on his wife.

Money is usually attracted not pursued.

I think that the day you've figured out the differences between women and men is the day that you're no longer attracted to women. It's the difference that is so fantastic and frustrating and angering and really sexy.

Men's actions are too strong for them. Show me a man who has acted and who has not been the victim and slave of his action.

So far 44 States or 88 percent of the States have enacted laws providing that marriage shall consist of a union between a man and a woman. Only 75 percent of the States are required to approve a constitutional amendment.

A husband is what is left of a lover after the nerve has been extracted.

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold service was joy.

And they didn't have to get into a lot of legal speak or talk ER terms they were real people. I think that's why so many actresses were attracted to it. And it was just about problems that you could identify with so much right off the bat.

It's impossible to walk a block in Miami in Los Angeles San Antonio without running into someone who is being deeply impacted by a broken legal immigration system.

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What I had to prove was that I had a dedication and a desire and a passion to do the work and everything else would fall in place because I have a vision that I want to portray and it did and I do it. I don't sell anything.