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World-wide practice of Conservation and the fair and continued access by all nations to the resources they need are the two indispensable foundations of continuous plenty and of permanent peace.

If a person is homosexual by nature - that is if one's sexuality is as intrinsic a part of one's identity as gender or skin color - then society can no more deny a gay person access to the secular rights and religious sacraments because of his homosexuality than it can reinstate Jim Crow.

I scientifically engineer my music to be as accessible as possible.

We had access to too much money too much equipment and little by little we went insane.

I do believe that there are African Americans who have thick accents. My mom has a thick accent my relatives have thick accents. But sometimes you have to adjust when you go into the world of film TV theatre in order to make it accessible to people.

The sort of thinking at the time was 'Well we're giving you access to medical care which you wouldn't otherwise be able to get so your payment is that we get to use you in research.'

So I applied to medical school and received a scholarship at Washington University in St. Louis. Washington University turned out to be a lucky choice. The faculty was scholarly and dedicated and accessible to students.

Reform of the medical liability system should be considered as part of a comprehensive response to surging medical malpractice premiums that endanger Americans' access to quality medical care.

Consider this: I can go to Antarctica and get cash from an ATM without a glitch but should I fall ill during my travels a hospital there could not access my medical records or know what medications I am on.

Ensuring Americans have access to adequate medical care should be a priority for all of us.