Search For tryin In Quotes 628

We sit in a room for months trying to think of funny things.

I listen like mad to any conversation taking place next to me just trying to hear why this is funny. Women's restrooms are especially great. I wash my hands twice waiting for people to come in and start talking.

Especially with a comedy you've got the clear cut goal of trying to make a scene funny. It's not like drama where you're trying to achieve some kind of emotion or trying to further the story along. You're trying to figure out what's the funniest way to do something.

With improv it's a combination of listening and not trying to be funny.

I think a lot of humor is about distracting yourself. Pretend you're not trying to make it funny. Because for some reason the effort to be funny smells like sulphur in our culture.

I sometimes lie awake at night trying to think of something funny that Richard Nixon said.

I was a hop-around. I hung out with the rockabilly crew the guys who were trying to be rappers the funny kids.

As soon as you are trying to be funny or dramatic that's when things start feeling fake and boring.

I quit therapy because my analyst was trying to help me behind my back.

By trying we can easily endure adversity. Another man's I mean.