The five steps in teaching an employee new skills are preparation explanation showing observation and supervision.
I never had to learn English French and German because I was brought up as all three languages. I had a private French teacher before I even went to school. That helped a lot.
When people lack teachers their tendencies are not corrected when they do not have ritual and moral principles then their lawlessness is not controlled.
When I was in junior high school the teachers voted me the student most likely to end up in the electric chair.
It is by teaching that we teach ourselves by relating that we observe by affirming that we examine by showing that we look by writing that we think by pumping that we draw water into the well.
Suffering is one of life's great teachers.
A self-taught man usually has a poor teacher and a worse student.
I would suggest that teachers show their students concrete examples of the negative effects of the actions that gangsta rappers glorify.
For the longest time you just sound like a broken record but you have to be consistent when teaching kids.
The most important part of teaching is to teach what it is to know.