Search For genera In Quotes 779

Storytelling in general is a communal act. Throughout human history people would gather around whether by the fire or at a tavern and tell stories. One person would chime in then another maybe someone would repeat a story they heard already but with a different spin. It's a collective process.

We wonder if we will be the first generation in American history to leave our children with fewer opportunities and a less prosperous nation than the one we inherited.

The history of the last century shows as we shall see later that the advice given to governments by bankers like the advice they gave to industrialists was consistently good for bankers but was often disastrous for governments businessmen and the people generally.

Of all the species of literary composition perhaps biography is the most delightful. The attention concentrated on one individual gives a unity to the materials of which it is composed which is wanting in general history.

I think documentaries are the greatest way to educate an entire generation that doesn't often look back to learn anything about the history that provided a safe haven for so many of us today.

We are dealing with the best-educated generation in history. But they've got a brain dressed up with nowhere to go.

Generally speaking historically in this country the care of a child has been thought of as female business.

What is sad for women of my generation is that they weren't supposed to work if they had families. What were they going to do when the children are grown - watch the raindrops coming down the window pane?

We cannot seek or attain health wealth learning justice or kindness in general. Action is always specific concrete individualized unique.

We can't afford to sacrifice another generation of American children to bureaucratic politics. We've got to get it done. The future the health the life - our nation depends on it and it's just foolish to think or act otherwise.

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This airline is grateful for his extensive contributions and we will miss his friendship and support. We extend our deepest sympathies to the Casey family on its personal loss.