Search For earning In Quotes 951

They are the guiding oracles which man has found out for himself in that great business of ours of learning how to be to do to do without and to depart.

People mature at different stages and I feel I'm learning a lot.

I'd love to go to fashion week! I'm learning more about designers thanks to 'Pretty Little Liars'' costume designer Mandi Line.

That was a real learning element for me because I realized that the more true you are to yourself the more you will lose people.

I opened my own restaurant when I was 17. I went broke then traveled around the country learning about different kinds of foods had three other restaurants that went broke. It didn't all start just a few years ago!

I guess confidence is the only thing that I take from project to project but I'm always open to learning everybody's style - the director the actor I'm working with.

A love of books of holding a book turning its pages looking at its pictures and living its fascinating stories goes hand-in-hand with a love of learning.

One thing changes every evening: It's the audience and I'm working my magic. I'm always learning from it.

I started playing ukulele first for 2 years from age 9 to 11 and got my first guitar and got inspired by blues I heard on the radio that turned me on and I started learning myself.

Acting is a life experience. I'm always learning things when I'm making a movie. So the fame part of it is fine when you consider what you get out of this job.