Search For dream In Quotes 1133

This may sound strange but I had dreams as a kid of doing exactly what I ended up doing in my life.

If there were dreams to sell what would you buy?

I love working with kids talking with them and listening to them. I always encourage kids to reach beyond their dreams. Don't try to be like me. Be better than me.

All books are either dreams or swords you can cut or you can drug with words.

Believe in and follow your dreams.

Dreams have only the pigmentation of fact.

I would like to see anyone be able to achieve their dreams and that's what this organization does.

I really want to live in New York. That's the city of my dreams.

Today I know that there is still work to be done but along the way my I am achieving my dreams.

I understand it's my role to realize people's dreams. I'm O.K. with that so long as my songs are my own. No one can take my songs away from me.