Search For cover In Quotes 523

People ask me how I keep my figure and I tell them it's because I paint. When you're covered in paint it's quite hard to put food in your mouth!

A year ago I had a back injury and followed a good nutrition program to help speed up my recovery. I focused on exercise and staying healthy in order to get back out on the ice.

There is a kind of fear approaching a panic that's spreading through the Baby Boom Generation which has suddenly discovered that it will have to provide for its own retirement.

Americans have discovered fear.

I'd gone from being this art student messing about with music to this girl with a record deal magazine front covers and all this hype. In many ways it was everything I ever wanted but when it happened all I felt was total paralysing fear.

Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it... that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.

It's funny to be discovered by a lot of people who didn't know you before. People always used to say 'Do you shop at Home Depot?' or 'Does your kid go to such and such school?' They want to know why they know me even if they don't know my name. I don't think that's a bad thing by the way I think it's nice to be kind of anonymously famous.

My office walls are covered with autographs of famous writers - it's what my children call my 'dead author wall.' I have signatures from Mark Twain Earnest Hemingway Jack London Harriett Beecher Stowe Pearl Buck Charles Dickens Rudyard Kipling Alfred Lord Tennyson to name a few.

The excitement for me lies not so much in interviewing the hard-to-get famous person but the person whom you are about to discover. You know like maybe the character actors who are just coming into their own and you're realizing how great they are.

I worked on scores. I went to the musical library in Berlin which is very famous. I discovered that we had scores of Beethoven printed scores of Beethoven that are full of mistakes. Not the wrong or false notes but the wrong dynamic understandable things.

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When we are unwilling to draw clear moral lines between free societies and fear societies when we are unwilling to call the former good and the latter evil we will not be able to advance the cause of peace because peace cannot be disconnected from freedom.