Search For trans In Quotes 369

A great age of literature is perhaps always a great age of translations.

I am hoping for peaceful transition into a new age. Obama has already played a great role in initiating us into that vision. If he were to be harmed in any way it would spawn the birth of a million Obamas.

Work is transformative. It gives you a greater chance of a greater income. You can affect your life while you're of working age so you have scope and opportunity. Pensioners do not.

American Idol transcends age gender ethnicity everything.

In this electronic age we see ourselves being translated more and more into the form of information moving toward the technological extension of consciousness.

God employs several translators some pieces are translated by age some by sickness some by war some by justice.

It is old age rather than death that is to be contrasted with life. Old age is life's parody whereas death transforms life into a destiny: in a way it preserves it by giving it the absolute dimension. Death does away with time.

Every age has its own poetry in every age the circumstances of history choose a nation a race a class to take up the torch by creating situations that can be expressed or transcended only through poetry.

When marrying ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory.

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My character Lena is somebody who responds to people in a very simple way. I didn't have to take myself off to a darkened room to concentrate I just had to try and be open. It's an interesting subtle relationship.