Search For standing In Quotes 380

It's so amazing standing on the corner -this happened in Washington D.C. - and somebody comes by in a Cadillac and you hear 'Manic Monday' on the radio and you don't even know this person and they're listening to it and singing along with it. Wow! Blows your mind.

I don't think immortality is necessarily the key to understanding the world. You have to be careful with what you think you're achieving. I'm all for science discovering amazing and fantastic things about our world but I think the motivations behind it are slightly askew.

Science is one of a handful of things that defines us as a very special species. It is amazing how far we have been able to get and how accurate our predictions are. I think understanding how the universe was born is very important. It really gives us a perspective on many things.

Choreography is amazing. I'm still a dancer yet I transitioned into choreography then as a Creative Director. All of these creative elements are brought out of being a dancer. Directing is something that comes out of understanding movement and choreography. Directing movement is directing a dance piece.

The environmental benefits of hydrogen are also outstanding. When used as an energy source hydrogen produces no emissions besides water. Zero polluting emissions an amazing advance over the current sources of energy that we use.

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves it's amazing what they can accomplish.

It is very frightening to feel alone when you are standing against a rich and powerful person and all his attendant helpers.

You have to respect your audience. Without them you're essentially standing alone singing to yourself.

A singer for me is more like someone who is standing alone with a microphone like Scott Walker rather than someone who is bashing a plank and is spitting all over a microphone.

I had to weave and play around with a honey bear you know and I could wrestle with him a little bit but there's no way you can even wrestle a honey bear let alone a grizzly bear that's standing ten feet to eleven feet tall! Can you imagine? But it was fascinating to work that close to that kind of animal.