Some men know that a light touch of the tongue running from a woman's toes to her ears lingering in the softest way possible in various places in between given often enough and sincerely enough would add immeasurably to world peace.
It is past time for women to take their rightful place side by side with men in the rooms where the fates of peoples where their children's and grandchildren's fates are decided.
If the world were a logical place men would ride side saddle.
We ought to be providing protective sanctuaries for the Kurdish rebels. That means finding some places where they can come and to which we will then be able to provide food and water and medical help.
Medical research in the twentieth century mostly takes place in the lab in the Renaissance though researchers went first and foremost to the library to see what the ancients had said.
And it was back in the mid-1980s and as I point out in a piece that was when we are spending about eight percent of our gross domestic product on health care. And even then we had the impression that so much of the excessive aggressive medical treatment that took place at the end of life was not only unnecessary but it was cruel.
Fort Smith being the place of my longest stay was the scene of my largest medical practice.
We also have a program in place for low income people. A family of four making $26 000 a year can receive medical coverage irrespective of citizenship or what documents.
When I went to the University the medical school was the only place where one could hope to find the means to study life its nature its origins and its ills.
New Orleans more than many places I know actually tangibly lives its culture. It's not just a residual of life it's a part of life. Music is at every major milestone of our life: birth marriage death. It's our culture.