Search For intel In Quotes 852

Reputation is favorable notoriety as distinguished from fame which is permanent approval of great deeds and noble thoughts by the best intelligence of mankind.

Guantanamo allows us to secure dangerous detainees without the risk of escape while at the same time providing us with valuable intelligence information on how best to proceed in the war against terror and prevent future attacks.

To attempt to superimpose its views through the exercise of force is seldom the part of intelligence it is frequently the part of ignorance.

The exact measure of the progress of civilization is the degree in which the intelligence of the common mind has prevailed over wealth and brute force.

I absolutely don't think a sentient artificial intelligence is going to wage war against the human species.

It is conceded by all that man is the very highest type of all living creatures on the earth. His intelligence is far superior to that of any other earthly being.

A great many people think that polysyllables are a sign of intelligence.

The right of each individual in any relation to secure to himself the full benefits of his intelligence his capacity his industry and skill are among the inalienable inheritances of humanity.

The employer class is less indispensable in the modern organization of industries because the laboring men themselves possess sufficient intelligence to organize into co-operative relation and enjoy the entire benefits of their own labor.

There is huge demand for artificial intelligence technologies.