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What I'm attempting to do is to show people that if I can spend some time with very dangerous spiders and snakes and scorpions then maybe they'll feel different about the spiders and snakes they find around their areas. I don't need people to keep them as pets. I just like them to be respectful and see that everything in nature has its place.

We are a people that have always celebrated other people's success so long as we always had the opportunity to meet that success ourselves. That is the American nature. That is the American character. That is one of the things that makes us different from the rest of the world. And I'm afraid we could lose that or are on the verge of losing that.

Nature is indifferent to the survival of the human species including Americans.

I thoroughly enjoy getting away from the game and going out fishing because it's so relaxing so quiet and peaceful. I mean there's no noise other than nature - and it's so different from what I do in a tournament situation that it just eases my mind.

Nature is relentless and unchangeable and it is indifferent as to whether its hidden reasons and actions are understandable to man or not.

There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was before.

One and the same thing can at the same time be good bad and indifferent e.g. music is good to the melancholy bad to those who mourn and neither good nor bad to the deaf.

I just want to keep making music recording and trying different things. I don't want to do the same thing all the time.

Music is a language and different people who come along are each using that language to do something different but all coming at it in a similar vein inasmuch as it's always community based and for the most part nonprofit. Most bands don't ever come within a mile of profit - clearly these people are not playing music to make money.

What makes my approach special is that I do different things. I do jazz blues country music and so forth. I do them all like a good utility man.