Search For standing In Quotes 380

For what the horse does under compulsion as Simon also observes is done without understanding and there is no beauty in it either any more than if one should whip and spur a dancer.

If you take the contempt some Americans have for yuppies and multiply it by 10 you might come close to understanding their attitude towards the City as they call it - London the people of the south.

It's tricky. I've never been standing at the top of the tree with tons of money thrown at me. I've never really had a profile. So in a way I have this 'nothing to lose' attitude.

I owe much to mother. She had an expert's understanding but also approached art emotionally.

A race is a work of art that people can look at and be affected in as many ways they're capable of understanding.

Logic: The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding.

One does not need buildings money power or status to practice the Art of Peace. Heaven is right where you are standing and that is the place to train.

Presently the Commission for Commemorating 350 Years of American Jewish History has been brought about to encourage and sponsor a variety of historical activities that advance our understanding of the American Jewish experience as it marks this milestone anniversary.

But to sustain a marriage for 50 years you have to get real a little bit and find someone who is understanding and who you can grow with. My mom always says 'Marry the man who loves you a millimeter more.'

Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.

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All those lessons that I've learned on the court I have applied them to my life outside of the court in business my company called V Starr interiors an interior design company and EleVen which I wear on court.