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We got to do a few things with President Clinton. To be invited to Washington again to play with Ashanti and all those other cool people there in front of President Bush and the rest of the world feels awesome. I'm really looking forward to going.

On stage we just want to generate hysteria. We don't care about looking cool or posing.

I'm always looking for cool stuff to do because that's what we're supposed to do ya know?

My dad was kind of a pool shark and had a Frank Sinatra Dean Martin thing going on. I've always been fascinated by the fifties because of him. There was a hip cool anything-goes atmosphere back then but looking good was still a priority.

I don't think generally speaking people become writers because they were the really good really cool attractive kid in class. I'll be honest. This is our revenge for people who were much better looking and more popular than us. I was a bit like that I suppose.

And looking at today's music scene I think it's cool that there are a lot of consumers and fans not limited by what radio and the record companies tell them to buy.

When I decided to launch my first knitwear line it was because I saw a void in the basics category. The editors were always looking for cool fashion-forward tees and sweaters. So that's where I started.

I want you to see that I'm looking. Look at me look at you. I'm cool with that.

The band feels loose in all the right ways and it's just so cool looking out and seeing all of these people that I haven't seen in a while.

As an investor what we're not looking for is 'oh this is a cool app ' it's 'is this something that can become a big business?' You need to find those that can become real businesses.

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Let's stop pretending we can arrest our way to safety and security. Despite all the fine work that policemen and women do we have got to find other solutions to deter crime.