Search For genera In Quotes 779

In general shorter is better. If you can encapsulate your idea into a single captivating sentence you're halfway home.

I know people that could serve me canned tuna and saltine crackers and have me feel more at home at their table than some people who can cook circles around me. The more you try to impress people generally the less you do.

General Howard informed me in a haughty spirit that he would give my people 30 days to go back home collect all their stock and move onto the reservation.

Right around the end of the fifties college students and young people in general began to realize that this music was almost like a history of our country - this music contained the real history of the people of this country.

I am trying to make clear through my writing something which I believe: that biography- history in general- can be literature in the deepest and highest sense of that term.

Providence conceals itself in the details of human affairs but becomes unveiled in the generalities of history.

History is one of those marvelous and necessary illusions we have to deal with. It's one of the ways of dealing with our world with impossible generalities which we couldn't live without.

I'm the fourth generation to be in show business. It's pretty neat it's nice to have that family history.

In Thailand's history there have been dissensions from time to time but in general unity has prevailed.

America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization.