Search For eater In Quotes 420

It is not tolerable it is not possible that from so much death so much sacrifice and ruin so much heroism a greater and better humanity shall not emerge.

Life is a great sunrise. I do not see why death should not be an even greater one.

The slave is doomed to worship time and fate and death because they are greater than anything he finds in himself and because all his thoughts are of things which they devour.

My dad had a movie theater so I was there every night.

When I was on Broadway when I was little I remember always driving through Times Square with my dad to the theater. Now when I go back you can't even drive on Broadway in the 40s. New Times Square is too touristy to me.

I'm the most inappropriate dad. I curse in front of my kids and their friends. I let my kids watch R-rated movies. I'll walk by the movie theater and say 'Let's go see that ' and my kids will say 'No it's rated R. It's not appropriate for kids.' I'm like Uncle Dad. We have fun. I don't live with them but I drive over four days a week.

Going to the theater is such a joyous experience. My dad would take my sister and me to plays when we were very young like six or seven years old.

Even within the last three or four years I have a greater ability to communicate I think. I have more courage to show the stuff... And it does take courage.

These rules may seem simple enough but it will require great morale and physical courage to adhere to them. But if carried out in the strict sense of the word it will surely lead to a greater success than could otherwise be attained.

There are always a few who stand up in times of communal madness and have the courage to say that what unites us is greater than what divides us.