Search For roman In Quotes 490

We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity - romantic love and gunpowder.

French is the language that turns dirt into romance.

Most cynics are really crushed romantics: they've been hurt they're sensitive and their cynicism is a shell that's protecting this tiny dear part in them that's still alive.

A tramp a gentleman a poet a dreamer a lonely fellow always hopeful of romance and adventure.

The word 'romance ' according to the dictionary means excitement adventure and something extremely real. Romance should last a lifetime.

Deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.

I love romantic comedies. I have a deep respect for them. I think they're really difficult to write and write well.

We may be sure that out of the ruins of our capitalist civilization a new religion will emerge just as Christianity emerged from the ruins of the Roman civilization.

I am utterly struck how 300 years after his execution Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.

I'm a hopeless romantic and very much the person in a relationship to go: If things are going well I'll buy the flowers remember the dates of things plan fun nights out.