Search For persona In Quotes 622

006 was such an interesting character and the film really explored his friendship with Bond and how it all went wrong so it was a very personal journey for both characters.

This airline is grateful for his extensive contributions and we will miss his friendship and support. We extend our deepest sympathies to the Casey family on its personal loss.

If the chemistry is right between star and photographer and the geometry of the pictures pleases the star often the two people end up with a long-term professional friendship during which they continue to work together and to produce highly personal images.

I didn't like England. I couldn't take the look of the place or the style of friendship. I need more intimacy from people than is considered okay there and I felt that my personality and my enthusiasms weren't understood. I had to put a big lid on myself.

Eros will have naked bodies Friendship naked personalities.

When you choose your friends don't be short-changed by choosing personality over character.

Wherever on this planet ideals of personal freedom and dignity apply there you will find the cultural inheritance of England.

Yes we have the freedom to do what we please but it only works because we don't do everything we might please - we should exercise some degree of personal and corporate responsibility.

How can you be conservative and justify wiretapping people without a warrant? We're supposed to be the party of personal freedom and civil liberties.

I stand for limited government fiscal responsibility personal freedom personal responsibility so the Republican Party will support me.