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Looking back I think I was always musical. My dad was very musical and I think my mom was musical.

I kept my babies fed. I could have dumped them but I didn't. I decided that whatever trip I was on they were going with me. You're looking at a real daddy.

I'm not a fighter but I would love to be a boxer because I love the courage and toughness. I mean there can be nothing more terrifying than walking into an arena and looking at Mike Tyson in the ring.

Nothing gives us courage more readily than the desire to avoid looking like a damn fool.

Courage consists not in blindly overlooking danger but in seeing it and conquering it.

Perfect courage is to do without witnesses what one would be capable of doing with the world looking on.

People spend hours constantly checking and tweeting and Facebooking. And it's cool to check up on your friends and see what's going on in the world but it's not cool to spend five hours of your day on the computer looking at the Internet.

Looking so cool his greed is hard to conceal he's fresh out of law school you gave him a license to steal.

I am kind of a private person so I don't miss that part of show business at all. Looking back on my career in television and making a movie like 'The Sound of Music' from an adult point of view it actually seems kind of unreal. I was involved in shows that people grew up with - that hold memories for them - and it's a cool feeling.

I hear good things about Xbox Live from some of my younger teammates. I think it would be fun to be able to challenge fans all over the world. It would be cool to be able to play some of my friends back home in the States. I'm looking forward to trying it.