Search For freed In Quotes 1087

My view is that good community management is like having good municipal government: You should be able to have dissenting opinions and so on freedom of speech but your grandmother should also be able to walk down the street at night without having to worry about getting mugged.

I feel like my honesty gives people the freedom to talk about things they wouldn't otherwise.

When others stood idly by you and your families gave your all in defence of a risen people and in pursuit of Irish freedom and unity.

They have the ability to take a person's freedom from them. On certain situations they have the ability to take a person's reputation. And under certain circumstances they have the authority to take a person's life.

But short films are not inferior just different. I think the short gives a freedom to film-makers. What's appealing is that you don't have as much responsibility for storytelling and plot. They can be more like a portrait or a poem.

Giving up even an ounce of precious freedom is a very serious thing to do.

Every general increase of freedom is accompanied by some degeneracy attributable to the same causes as the freedom.

So far as discipline is concerned freedom means not its absence but the use of higher and more rational forms as contrasted with those that are lower or less rational.

Criticism of government finds sanctuary in several portions of the 1st Amendment. It is part of the right of free speech. It embraces freedom of the press.

I remain optimistic. What we've seen in Europe and the rest of the world is that freedom has a much stronger attraction than radical fundamentalism.