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From 1836 down to last year there is no proof of the Government having any confidence in the duration of peace or possessing increased security against war.

War is not the quintessential emergency in which man has to prove himself as my generation learned at its school desks in the days of the Kaiser rather peace is the emergency in which we all have to prove ourselves.

I will try to work for greater reconciliation cooperation and peace in North East Asia based on correct perception of history.

Some people suggest that the problem is the separation of powers. If you had a parliamentary system the struggle for power would not result in such complex peace treaties that empower so many different people to pursue so many contradictory aims.

It is a grave matter to enter a war without adequate military preparation it may prove fatal to come into peace without moral and religious preparation.

Rwanda was considered a second-class operation because it was a small country we had been able to maintain a kind of status quo. They were negotiating they'd accepted the new peace project so we were under the impression that everything would be solved easily.

Every animal has his or her story his or her thoughts daydreams and interests. All feel joy and love pain and fear as we now know beyond any shadow of a doubt. All deserve that the human animal afford them the respect of being cared for with great consideration for those interests or left in peace.

Actually I feel music becoming more and more important. It's a big source of inspiration. With what's going on in the world we feel almost desperate. Music also brings you peace.

I created the Women's Federation for World Peace in order to restore all that woman originally lost. You American women don't need a man in the position of grandfather parents husband elder or younger brother. You only need the true Adam.

Afghanistan is very satisfied with Croatia's participation in the NATO-led peace mission and expects Croatia to expand its contribution to peace restoration in Afghanistan to other areas as well.