Search For environment In Quotes 362

I don't have an interest in any car that isn't good for the environment other than maybe an aesthetic quality in a picture book.

With all the hybrid stuff and things like that I think that's a fabulous direction to go with cars in that sense. As someone who grew up around muscle cars I'll never not be able to not love a muscle car. Not that I don't care about the environment that's not it. But I adore muscle cars.

Consider what kind of car you get. Buy cars and other products that have the least impact environmentally.

I want a Mini-Cooper because it's fuel efficient emissions efficient and all that stuff. It's small and better for the environment. I think that will be my next car.

I don't run a car have never run a car. I could say that this is because I have this extremely tender environmentalist conscience but the fact is I hate driving.

A lot of fun stuff happens when you go out on a bike compared to when you're in a car. You're more in the environment. It's enjoyable. Even when It's raining It's still fun.

Environmentalists have a very conflicted relationship with their cars.

I had never been able to get a car that said how much I cared about the environment until I drove electric.

Energy and environmental regulation transportation and broadband policy all benefit when legislators have a basic grounding in the technical concepts behind business models products and innovation.

Environmentalism opposes reckless innovation and makes conservation the central order of business.

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I was about 14 and my friend's stepdad asked me to do a 10K with him because his son - who was more into basketball - didn't want to. It was amazing and I still remember the time I got: 48:23.