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Stories are amazing and powerful because they can resonate with people depending on their needs and experiences and speak truths we need to hear in that moment in time.

I spend a good portion of my dinner-party conversation defending America because no matter what the political agenda it's still a fantastic amazing place.

I think the amazing thing about gospel music is that not only does it lift up the death and resurrection of our Lord which is consistent with the Gospel but it is uniquely communicated depending upon the generation.

I love being around my friends and my family and spending time with my husband. I like being normal and recharging my batteries and I feel like I have the coolest job in the world where I get to get on stage and perform and get to do a lot of really amazing things.

But there's not enough time in life to go sit at a party have a drink and make idle conversation. There's too many important things to do. Just being together with my husband spending time alone which I have very little of.

The foundations of a strong economy don't rest alone on the decisions of Chancellors or the spending programmes of government.

I just broke up with my boyfriend and I've been spending more time alone than I'd like.

What troubles me is the Internet and the electronic technology revolution. Shyness is fueled in part by so many people spending huge amounts of time alone isolated on e-mail in chat rooms which reduces their face-to-face contact with other people.

We need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly - spending quiet time alone gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order.

We can be tired weary and emotionally distraught but after spending time alone with God we find that He injects into our bodies energy power and strength.

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It's the beauty and curse of doing a daily show. Some days you've got nothing to talk about and other days Dick Cheney shoots his lawyer in the face and everyone is happy.