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One of the things that's great about New York is that it is not a one-industry town. It has education academia the service industry arts publishing theater politics fashion finance as well as movie-making.

I was a total education geek. I loved school. I loved learning. I loved doing homework. All of my books and notebooks from high school are underlined and highlighted and there are notes all over the margins. And you know I was a theater kid too. I was all over the place.

The American culture promotes personal responsibility the dignity of work the value of education the merit of service devotion to a purpose greater than self and at the foundation the pre-eminence of family.

It is all nonsense to be sure and so much the greater nonsense inasmuch as the true interpretation of many dreams - not by any means of all dreams - moves it may be said in the opposite direction to the method of psycho-analysis.

The Washington black community was able to succeed beyond his wildest dreams. I mean we had our own newspapers our own restaurants our own theaters our own small shops our own clubs our own Masonic lodges.

It's not like I had big dreams to go to California and become an actor. I loved doing my shows at school and community theater and I probably would have settled in New York because it was closer. I was going to go to NYU.

Field of Dreams is the only movie - and I saw it in the theater - on an afternoon when I was on location somewhere and there were like 12 people in the theater. I was just so devastated I couldn't get out of my seat. And I sat and watched it a second time.

The old studios that mass-produced dreams are gone with the wind just like the old downtown theaters that were the temples of the dreams.

Going meat-free can make a huge difference. Studies show that vegetarians are on average 10 to 20 pounds lighter than meat-eaters and that a vegetarian diet reduces our risk of heart disease by 40 percent and adds seven or more years to our lifespan.

I'm an emotional eater. When I get upset my diet goes out the window.