Search For standing In Quotes 380

We looked at each other standing on the podium and I think we all were tearing up. But we had to keep it cool. I think we did. Then we let out a breath.

Well my wife always says to me and I think it's true it's very difficult for us to understand the Elizabethan understanding and enjoyment and perception of form as it is to say... it would be for them to understand computers or going to the moon or something.

Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit compassion love and understanding.

Art must unquestionably have a social value that is as a potential means of communication it must be addressed and in comprehensible terms to the understanding of mankind.

The other thing about FEMA my understanding is that it was supposed to move into the Department of Homeland Security... and be what it was but also having a lot of lateral communication with all those others involved in that issue of homeland security.

Without television and mass communication that knowledge wouldn't exist. So I think it actually has the possibility of turning people into more understanding and more empathetic people.

Being a good television screenwriter requires an understanding of the way film accelerates the communication of words.

A world community can exist only with world communication which means something more than extensive short-wave facilities scattered about the globe. It means common understanding a common tradition common ideas and common ideals.

We have to realize only in communication in real knowledge in real reaching out can there be an understanding that there's humanity everywhere and that's what I'm trying to do.

As a whole the managers today are different in temperament. Most have very good communication skills and are more understanding of the umpire's job. That doesn't mean they are better managers. It just means that I perceive today's managers a bit differently.