Search For chris In Quotes 618

There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child.

There is a great difference between Christianity and religion at the south. If a man goes to the communion table and pays money into the treasury of the church no matter if it be the price of blood he is called religious.

My story is the story of countless millions of children whose families and nations were torn apart for money in the name of Jesus Christ.

I grew up with the classics. My mom and I would sit and watch 'Singin' in the Rain' and 'White Christmas' - those kind of movies.

I've changed my life in a lot of ways. I'm a mom a wife and a Christian. Some of the things I expressed in my early 20s aren't what I care to express right now.

Aretha Franklin was a teenage mom a musician who came from an incredibly Christian background but there was a lot of love which is really inspiring in a feminist way.

I loved raising my kids. I loved the process the dirt of it the tears of it the frustration of it Christmas Easter birthdays growth charts pediatrician appointments. I loved all of it.

The new pope knows that his task is to make the light of Christ shine before men and women of world - not his own light but that of Christ.

Bloody Christmas here again let us raise a loving cup peace on earth goodwill to men and make them do the washing up.

A strong argument for the religion of Christ is this - that offences against Charity are about the only ones which men on their death-beds can be made - not to understand - but to feel - as crime.

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As a kid I was short and only weighed 95 pounds. And though I was active in a lot of Sports and got along with most of the guys I think I used comedy as a defense mechanism. You know making someone laugh is a much better way to solve a problem than by using your fists.