It is a fact that around the world the elites of every country are making money.
My mom is in the navy and my dad works for the army but I never called them 'sir' or 'ma'am' or anything like that and we never really moved around a lot because both my parents were stationed in D.C.
When I was young I had two older sisters and since I was the youngest in my family my mom took me around with her all the time. I was forever with her when she was having coffee in the middle of the afternoon with her three sisters. And they would talk about men. I absorbed a lot of that.
My mom's a concert pianist so she started teaching me when I was around seven. When I was eight I started writing my own songs and kinda started putting piano and singing together. But I'm trained classically which is a big influence on me I think.
My mom was so people-friendly. She was incredible. She'd go to the mall and she'd talk to everyone. Give people a kiss on the cheek. I think if I wasn't pushed around a lot I'd be great with people. Maybe I still can be.
My mom breastfed me for more than a year and I can't imagine doing it any other way. It's cheap and much better for the environment and you don't have to lug all that stuff around.
My mom sent me to regular high school because she wanted me to have that experience and not say that I missed out but I didn't like it at all. I'm more comfortable in the world that I'm in I grew up in it so when I get around normal kids in regular high school I don't know what to do. I feel more secure in an adult environment.
I've always wanted to be an actress ever since I was a little girl. I always played the mom and I played my sister as the daughter. I wanted to be an actress on television and movies instead of just around the house.
Well when I was a little girl we had 17 cats once. They all lived outside and they kept having more kittens. My mom made us put little ribbons around each kitten's neck put them in a wagon and go door-to-door around the neighborhood to try to give them away.
We always had 'Vogue' in our house. But when I was around 12 my Mom finally took me seriously about modeling and put a stack of magazines in front of me then told me to study all the poses. The ones I loved the most were in 'Vogue.'