Search For sports In Quotes 599

I never really did sports growing up. Maybe that's why they intrigue me. The technology that goes into that clothing is steps ahead so it's always been something I look towards.

I was sports editor for my high school newspaper but I think I shied away from journalism.

Life magazine ran a page featuring me and three other girls that was clearly the precursor of Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues.

The newspapers loved pinup pictures of pretty young swimmers and as a national champion I got more than my share of space in the sports pages.

Three events. Three gold medals. I was news big news in the sports world.

It's a little bit in the genes because my brother is a journalist and my father was a sports writer.

It's not just the NFL. Every other league has a draft. It has been fundamental to the success of professional sports.

I grew up playing sports but now I feel like I can't because if I get injured I'll impair whatever film I'm working on.

I love sport I grew up playing sports that's all I did and it is so invigorating now that I'm supposedly adult to learn something completely new from the bottom up.

Ethnic prejudice has no place in sports and baseball must recognize that truth if it is to maintain stature as a national game.