Search For organ In Quotes 350

Morgan Freeman is so class. He's so cool. He's so scary.

A smartphone links patients' bodies and doctors' computers which in turn are connected to the Internet which in turn is connected to any smartphone anywhere. The new devices could put the management of an individual's internal organs in the hands of every hacker online scammer and digital vandal on Earth.

We've lost touch and allowed technology to take precedence over organic nature. But let's not forget that those microchips in our computers came from elements of the earth.

The next major explosion is going to be when genetics and computers come together. I'm talking about an organic computer - about biological substances that can function like a semiconductor.

Security is I would say our top priority because for all the exciting things you will be able to do with computers - organizing your lives staying in touch with people being creative - if we don't solve these security problems then people will hold back.

It's about communication. It's about honesty. It's about treating people in the organization as deserving to know the facts. You don't try to give them half the story. You don't try to hide the story. You treat them as - as true equals and you communicate and you communicate and communicate.

I won't compare ants and people but ants give us a useful model of how single members of a community can become so organized that they end up resembling in effect one big collective brain. Our own exploding population and communication technology are leading us that way.

The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success: Concentration Discrimination Organization Innovation and Communication.

The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success are concentration discrimination organization innovation and communication.

Email instant messaging and cell phones give us fabulous communication ability but because we live and work in our own little worlds that communication is totally disorganized.

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For an actor you're rejected eight or ten times a day. All you've got to sell is yourself. You're not selling products they're not turning down a car they're turning you down. Most people can't handle that. Most people are essentially not set up that way.