But on the other hand I get bored with racism too and recognize that there are still many things to be said about a Black person and a White person loving each other in a racist society.
Ironing boards are a classic example of something I find horrible about modern society: the excitementation for want of a better word of mundane things.
America is the story of everyday people who did extraordinary things. A story woven deep into the fabric of our society.
We live in a disposable society. It's easier to throw things out than to fix them. We even give it a name - we call it recycling.
The little things I can obey. But the big things - how we think what we value - those you must choose yourself. You can't let anyone - or any society - determine those for you.
Drugs are merely the most obvious form of addiction in our society. Drug addiction is one of the things that undermines traditional values.
Usually terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all but just terrible things.
Cockroaches and socialites are the only things that can stay up all night and eat anything.
I try to make people smile and dance not think about things or educate them.
And I like the look on people's faces when I say I'm doing this movie called Pride and Prejudice and they kind of smile and then I say I'm in a movie called Doom and they kind of do a double take and try and put the two things together. And they never quite manage to.