Search For sting In Quotes 669

Ellis Peters's historical detail is very accurate and very minute and therefore is not only interesting to read but good for an actor to acquire a sense of the period. And the other thing I think is that an actor lives in the land of imagination.

Dreaming is an act of pure imagination attesting in all men a creative power which if it were available in waking would make every man a Dante or Shakespeare.

I suppose I'm proudest of my novels for what's imagined in them. I think the world of my imagination is a richer and more interesting place than my personal biography.

Novelists are not equipped to make a movie in my opinion. They make their own movie when they write: they're casting they're dressing the scene they're working out where the energy of the scene is coming from and they're also relying tremendously on the creative imagination of the reader.

It was just very interesting to me that certain types of women inspire people's imagination and all of them were very difficult women.

Trust that little voice in your head that says 'Wouldn't it be interesting if...' And then do it.

I failed to fulfill what should have been an interesting role. I couldn't take their formula and bring what I had my humor my ideas and make it my own.

Humor has become so cliche and boring that nothing's funny anymore unless it involves something totally disgusting that offends somebody or makes them feel really uncomfortable.

Like when I host a party. I hope my guests get along. But if not how interesting!

Hope is the struggle of the soul breaking loose from what is perishable and attesting her eternity.