Search For medic In Quotes 373

I actually feel like for a lot of my career I wasn't able to show my comedic range. I did a lot of dramas and dramedies. I was on 'E.R.' That's not generally thought of as a funny show.

I tell you it's funny because the only time I think about HIV is when I have to take my medicine twice a day.

The comedians I liked were Bill Cosby and Steven Wright like just always as a comedic actor. I always liked Gary Larson who's really funny for a cartoonist obviously.

Friendship is a wildly underrated medication.

If you want total security go to prison. There you're fed clothed given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom.

Nobody had ever told me junk food was bad for me. Four years of medical school and four years of internship and residency and I never thought anything was wrong with eating sweet rolls and doughnuts and potatoes and bread and sweets.

When I took command in Vietnam I gave great emphasis to food and medical care - and to the mail.

It was my Uncle George who discovered that alcohol was a food well in advance of modern medical thought.

For some Chicago expats food is the medicine that blunts the pain of separation.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

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And I believe that public broadcasting has an important trust with the American people it's an intimate medium of television and that we can do reading and language development for young children without getting into human sexuality.