Most religions live from a narrative that shapes their relationship with the divine other God or the gods and with the human other the stranger.
All human language draws its nature and value from the fact that it both comes from the Word of God and is chosen by God to manifest himself. But this relationship is secret and incomprehensible beyond the bounds of reason and analysis.
The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society - more briefly to find your real job and do it.
I've always been interested in the relationship between total external surround culture the political matrix technology etc. and the internal human consciousness.
We humans have a love-hate relationship with our technology. We love each new advance and we hate how fast our world is changing... The robots really embody that love-hate relationship we have with technology.
Human beings have speculated about the relationship between inspiration and insanity for centuries.
My personal belief is that you carry your own water in a relationship. If you see a girl and you think she's hot that's a very human reaction but you don't go and tell your spouse that you know? So in one way it's how you behave.
You know it's possible for two humans to be in a relationship without there needing to be some public reason for that relationship.
The beliefs concerning reincarnation have great ethical impact on human life and our relationship to the world.
It is true that women tend to be more identified with their bodies because in this crazy world both men and women measure women's value as human beings in relationship to their physical appearance.