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The biggest novelty of 2013 will be new leadership in China. Very little is known about the views of the new leaders - who will rule the country for ten years. But we do know they're the first generation of Chinese leaders who have spent the majority of their lives in a China 'opening up' to the rest of the world.

I have run a general election campaign pregnant and ran Ed Miliband's leadership campaign commuting to London with a new baby so I already have my system set up.

The employer generally gets the employees he deserves.

People who don't take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year.

The tree of knowledge is not the tree of life! And yet can we cast out of our spirits all the good or evil poured into them by so many learned generations? Ignorance cannot be learned.

When David Marr at MIT moved into computer vision he generated a lot of excitement but he hit up against the problem of knowledge representation he had no good representations for knowledge in his vision systems.

We need to get back to reasoning and thinking things through. The future generation is being brought up in greed and without a true understanding of civics. There is no more emphasis on knowledge and time. As a society we need to process ideas and understand what certain principles are based upon.

Though the general principles of statecraft have survived the rise and fall of empires every increase in knowledge has brought about changes in the political economic and social structure.

Science is knowledge arranged and classified according to truth facts and the general laws of nature.

I am not a member of any organization listed by the Attorney General as subversive. In any instance where I lent my name in the past it was certainly without knowledge that such an organization was subversive. I have always been essentially and foremost an American.