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If you do not accuse each other God will not accuse you. If you have no accuser you will enter heaven. What many people call sin is not sin I do many things to break down superstition and I will break it down.

On Australia Day 2010 as we enter this second decade of the 21st century Australians can be optimistic about our future but we cannot afford to mistake optimism for complacency.

I wished to go completely outside and to make a symbolic start for my enterprise of regenerating the life of humankind within the body of society and to prepare a positive future in this context.

The future enters into us in order to transform itself in us long before it happens.

I don't write literary fiction - I write books that are entertaining but are also I hope well-constructed and thoughtful and funny and have things to say about men and women and families and children and life in America today.

My job is mostly to entertain and be funny.

Animals are sentient intelligent perceptive funny and entertaining. We owe them a duty of care as we do to children.

It's funny how a chubby kid can just be having fun and people call it entertainment!

Europe is scooters. Europe is five young people on one bench sharing a chocolate bar. Their idea of entertainment and fun is so much different than ours which is exactly why a movie about them would be funny.

I've thought for the last decade or so the only actual place raw truth was seeping through in newspapers was on the Comics Pages. They were able to pull off intelligent social comment pure truths not found elsewhere in the news pages and had the ability to make it all funny entertaining and pertinent.