Search For trans In Quotes 369

It is absolutely impossible to transcend the laws of nature. What can change in historically different circumstances is only the form in which these laws expose themselves.

Gratitude bestows reverence allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.

Without accepting the fact that everything changes we cannot find perfect composure. But unfortunately although it is true it is difficult for us to accept it. Because we cannot accept the truth of transience we suffer.

What Paris has done right is to make it awful to get around by car and awfully easy to get around by public transportation or by bike.

In the United States three new methods of transportation made their appearance at almost the same time - the steamboat the canal boat and the rail car.

The United Nations four or five years ago put out a study that said the meat industry meat-eating growing meat for food is the No. 1 killer of our planet - not No. 2 or No. 3: No 1. You know what's No. 2? Transportation. Everyone thinks that No. 1 is transportation and goes out and buys a hybrid car. Screw the hybrid cars. Don't eat hamburgers.

Over my lifetime the car had actually transcended the fact that it is a car. It has become a venue.

Most people have no concept of how an automatic transmission works yet they know how to drive a car. You don't have to study physics to understand the laws of motion to drive a car. You don't have to understand any of this stuff to use Macintosh.

A transfer of money should never be involved in this profound situation. Although illness is profound too but medicine's a business today. It's a business.

A firm for instance that does business in many countries of the world is driven to spend an enormous amount of time labour and money in providing for translation services.