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My grandfather's family used to own a pasta factory in Naples and they would go door-to-door selling their pasta. So his love of food came from his parents which was then passed down to my mother and then again to me.

My family my parents are hippies.

My parents were drawn to the idea that there was space and opportunity in Australia. For the meagre sum of £10 you could sail your entire family out to Australia so that's what my father chose to do.

As a child the family that I had and the love I had from my two parents allowed me to go ahead and be more aggressive to search and to take risks knowing that if I failed I could always come home to a family of love and support.

My parents were French and Irish and our family even has Spanish blood-and I do so love the United States and consider myself part American.

I guess you could say I devoted myself so strongly to my music that for awhile I forgot about my family. But I only get one set of parents and I think I forgot about that for a little while.

We believed in our idea - a family park where parents and children could have fun- together.

To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become in a special way the servant of the others.

Parents need all the help they can get. The strongest as well as the most fragile family requires a vital network of social supports.

When you have a godly husband a godly wife children who respect their parents and who are loved by their parents who provide for those children their physical and spiritual and material needs lovingly you have the ideal unit.