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I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family it says they're looting if you see a white family it says they're looking for food.

In the past 40 years the United States lost more than a million farmers and ranchers. Many of our farmers are aging. Today only nine percent of family farm income comes from farming and more and more of our farmers are looking elsewhere for their primary source of income.

The practice of patience toward one another the overlooking of one another's defects and the bearing of one another's burdens is the most elementary condition of all human and social activity in the family in the professions and in society.

If one is desperate for love I suggest looking at one's friends and family and see if love is all around. If not get a new set of friends a new family.

I'll never stop dreaming that one day we can be a real family together all of us laughing and talking loving and understanding not looking at the past but only to the future.

Let those who still in their youth have preserved their faith and fullness of hope keep looking up.

Yes we were looking for a Faith spin-off but then Faith backed down. Eliza got a really wonderful offer over on Fox in a show and for reasons I didn't talk to her about she decided to go there and everyone respects that.

Well you have to keep your faith in the fact that there are a lot of intelligent people who are actively looking for something interesting people who have been disappointed so many times.

I don't need to be looking at every failure of government I need to be looking where failure of government needs reform.

We feel a lot of pressure about looking silly or appearing weak whatever that means or being a failure. You have to keep in your head: what's the worst that can happen?